How to Achieve Your Dreams Using The SMARTER Goal Method in 7 Steps

It’s time to learn about using the SMARTER goal method. Have you been struggling to reach your goals? Do you often feel like a hamster on a wheel? It might be time to sit down and write down what it is you actually want to achieve.

In fact, the simple act of just sitting down and writing it could help you get closer to making the goal a reality. According to psychology professor, Dr. Gail Matthews, if you write goals down on a daily basis, you are 42% more likely to achieve those goals. It’s a practice I put into place years ago that has helped me tremendously.

image of a hand holding a pen writing 2021 goals at the top of a notepad. They are planning to use the SMARTER goal method.
Photo by Marko Klaric on

Creating a SMARTER Goal

One strategy to write your goals down in an organized way is using the SMARTER goal method. Smart goals originated from George Duran in the 1980’s and were designed to help people in the workplace organize their goals.

So how exactly do you create a SMARTER goal? Where do you even start? I tell my students to focus on what they want to achieve in 3-6 months. That’s a tangible timeline that makes achieving something much more realistic and likely.

First, decide what it is you are trying to accomplish. Let’s take my 3-6 month goal for my online business. I want to continue building multiple income streams to help me on my debt-free journey. Now, if I stop there, I haven’t created a solid path to the finish line which is important.

Using the SMARTER goal method – So, let’s take a look at George Duran’s method

SMARTER Goals have these main components:

S – Specific

Be clear about your intentions and the outcome you wish to achieve. Think about little details.

M – Measurable

It is SOOOO important to have a way to measure whether or not you reach your goals. So, this part requires deciding how you will know if you are getting closer to your goal.

A – Achievable or Attainable

For this element, making sure your goal is possible is essential. Anything is possible, but not everything is possible in the timeframe you hope to achieve. For example, if I wanted to go and be an astronaut now, I would have a LOT of training and learning.

R – Realistic

On that same level, being realistic is necessary. Yes, go for your dreams, but make sure that the goal matches your personality and other important things in your life.

T – Timebound

When do you want to reach your goal? I have many goals, and I like to create short- and long-term goals with deadlines.

E – Evaluate

Ultimately, it is crucial to know whether you have reached your goal. Once the timeline approaches, ensure you have measured your progress and know if you will reach it. Then…

R – Reward and/or Revise

After evaluating your progress, this is the time to give yourself a reward for reaching your goal or revise it and make it more realistic.

sticky notes on board - part of using the smarter goal method
Photo by Polina Zimmerman on

Making my goal SMARTER

How can I take my goal of building my online business and becoming debt-free and make it SMARTER?

Here is my goal statement:

I will grow my personal brand and business by the end of 2023 to $10,000/month in income. I will achieve this by publishing 2-4 blog posts per month, 1-2 YouTube videos per month, and promoting my digital products on Tik Tok, Facebook, and Etsy. Furthermore, I will post my academic and goal setting consulting services in conjunction with at least one online time management course.

Now, it’s your turn! Start writing, believing, and achieving!

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