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Email Etiquette: 5 Simple Tips To Get Your Emails Opened

When it comes to email etiquette there are 5 simple rules that you need to follow. If you don’t follow these rules then it will be hard to get your emails opened. It might even make the reader think about unsubscribing from your emails.

Use a more professional name as your email address

If your email address is something along the lines of ilovecupcakes@email.com, it’s time to consider changing it. Not only can a more professional-sounding address save you the embarrassment of having someone thinking you’re talking about your love of cupcakes when you’re really discussing an important workplace issue, but it can also help people take you more seriously. If you want to be taken seriously by your boss, a potential employer, or even just an acquaintance, it’s important that your email address doesn’t give off the wrong impression. You don’t have to go with something boring. Just make sure your name is part of the address so that people know who they’re hearing from.

Be concise and clear in the subject line

You need to get your subject line right. If you think of the subject line as a headline, you’ll get the idea. You want to make sure it gets attention, but it also needs to convey the right information. Keep it short and sweet. The average person has an attention span of 8 seconds, so you don’t have long to capture their interest. In just a few words, they should know what they’re looking at and whether they’re interested enough to open it.

If there’s anything that seems like it could be imperative or urgent in the email, put that in the subject line. At the office, people are judging whether your email is worth opening based on how much time will be required of them when they do so. If your email looks like it could be a quick yes/no answer, it will most likely be put off for later.

Avoid spam trigger words

This is one of the most important tips for email marketing. Don’t use spam trigger words. Use clear copy and avoid words used in spam emails. Some examples include: ‘free’, ‘discount’, and ‘money’.

email etiquette
Photo by Torsten Dettlaff on Pexels.com

Be specific about why you are reaching out

If you want someone to respond to your email, then you need to give them a good reason. If all you do is write “Hi” and ask them to check out your blog, they will probably not click on the link. The more specific you are about why you are reaching out, the more likely that person is to respond. For instance, if you’re reaching out to someone from the same town or geographical area as yourself, let them know at the beginning of your email.

Or mention that you read their blog and felt inspired by something they wrote. Always include a call-to-action at the end of your email. This could be anything from asking for feedback on your own blog post to inviting them to connect on social media.

Email etiquette: Avoid text speak in your emails

As a rule, it is considered unprofessional to use “text speak” in your emails—that is, the abbreviations and shorthand that you might use when texting or chatting with friends. You probably already know not to do this in the subject line of a business email. However, sometimes it can be tempting to slip into this mode when composing your message. This is especially easy if you’re working from home and feeling more casual.

Resist the urge! Even if you’re writing an email to someone you know well, it’s important to maintain professional boundaries in what you write. For example, instead of saying “LOL,” say “That’s funny.” Instead of writing “2day” for today, write out the whole word. And so on. There are plenty of other places for you to use text speak—just not in your business emails.

Takeaway: Your emails will get more people to open and read them if you follow these 5 tips.

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